Develop your ability to control the movement of your spine with these postures

There are eight postures that I want you to practice in an extended position.

So first, I want you to remember that during the first 15 to 20 minutes of the class when you’re resting on your knees with your arms at your head and your palms up on the ground your legs are in extended position.

extended position

As you continue your practice, incorporate the postures into your yoga routine. Remember to always begin with the last pose you practiced in the pose sequence. Below I’ll provide you with a basic routine that will work for a 30-minute yoga class.

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Step 1: Lie on your back. Place both your hands at your head and both of your feet on the ground in a relaxed position. Step 2: Extend your leg up on the outside of your body with your knee bent in a 90 degree angle. Step 3: You want to keep the same ankle length you started with. Extend your knee and reach down with both hands. Step 4: Now raise your knee to the side of your body. You want to continue to reach both hands down on the ground as you turn your leg to one side. Step 5: Keeping your leg straight and reaching down with both hands, lower yourself until your spine is on the floor. Step 6: With your hands down, slowly lower your feet to the ground in a slow and controlled manner. Step 7: Continue to lower your leg with both hands. Lower yourself until it is parallel to the floor. Step 8: You are now in the final pose of the Pose sequence. Good job!